Die Eifel-Gäng zu Gast in Arzfeld
Sep 20, 2025
The Eifel Gang is visiting Arzfeld. Then it’s time to raise your hands - it will be fun!
Since their first joint performance in 2012, they have been shaking up the stages of the Eifel: Troubadour Günter Hochgürtel, crime-comedian Ralf Kramp, and dialect specialist Manfred Lang. One sings, one reads, and one presents - this is the motto of the three Eifel originals who have a lot of mischief up their sleeves. With farmer's cunning, brutal wit, and dark Eifel humor, they captivate audiences between the Vorgebirge and Moselle. Always in the spotlight: The Eifel, its language, its texts, its songs.
A truly special evening of local culture that will test your laughing muscles!
Admission: 16.15 € (pre-sale for members of the historical association, students, and disabled persons) and 19.45 € (pre-sale for non-members).
Tickets are available at all ticket regional pre-sale points (also Tourist Information Arzfeld), at www.ticket-regional.de and by phone at 0651 9790777.
An event of the Prümer Land Historical Association e.V.