Der "Schwarze Tod" - Die Pest in Daleiden und im Prümer Land
Mar 20, 2025
The "Black Death" - The Plague in Daleiden and the Prümer Land
Lecture by Alois Mayer
Although it happened about 400 years ago, the memory is still vivid and the horror is great of that time of the great dying - during the time of the plague. This "scourge of God" ravaged especially badly in the area of Daleiden and Dasburg, claiming countless human lives, leaving entire villages desolate, and destroying numerous farming businesses.
How did the plague actually manifest itself? What victims did it claim? What do we still know about the inhabitants of that time? Why did Pastor Pott die? What does the chapel in Dasburg have to do with it? How did the population behave? Was the plague a punishment from God? These questions and more information will be answered in an exciting and richly illustrated lecture by Alois Mayer.
An event of the Historical Society Prümer Land e.V. in collaboration with the Daleiden Local Heritage Association.